Sumqayit State University


Sumqayit State University

Sumqayit state university is university with a long history. This university is one of the oldest universities in the republic of Azerbaijan. The university was established in 1962. At the time of its establishment, this university wasn’t considered a university, but rather an institute for the oil companies of Azerbaijan. It has been expanded and gotten the name of university only since the year 2000. The university has joined the Bologna system of education since 2007.

The university is located at Sumqayit, a small city north of Baku. The city is the second largest city in the country after the capital city, which is only 31 kilometers away. Sumqayit is located at the coast of the Caspian sea and is one of the most comfortable cities of the country.

This university is a public, medium-sized, university which offers courses and programs only in the main language of the region, Azerbaijani Turkish. The university has about 5000 students who study at the 7 faculties of the university.

Since its recognition as a university, Sumqayit state university has undergone various types of changes in its facilities and buildings. Nowadays, they provide students with the best and the most modern facilities needed for a comfortable student life.


The first advantage of this university could be its incredible location. Sumqayit is a much smaller city compared to Baku, thus students can have much more quiet life at this city. However, it is not too far from Baku to make it hard to commute between two cities. Students of Sumqayit state university can take advantage of this situation and live their lives to the fullest in the beautiful country of Azerbaijan and its stunning capital, Baku.

This university is a part of the Erasmus and Tempus programs. These programs help the international face of the university and enable its students to join other universities under the program for a couple of semesters.

The university has changed its methods completely in the recent years and has adopted new methods and also has gotten new equipment inside the campus. the university has joined the Bologna program and adapted its educational system with that. New facilities, new classes and new laboratories have also been provided in the recent years.

Student life

By the order of the president of Azerbaijan in 2005, the student youth organization was established at the university of Sumqayit to help students social and cultural development and to ensure their participation in the cultural development of the whole society of Azerbaijan. The mission of this organization is to create all the circumstances for all different types of people with different types of interests.

The organization cooperates with other corporations and organization to solve the problems of students of the university and create a convenient atmosphere for them to study without any problems.

This organization has created a library with thousands of copies of books. There are computers, copy machines and internet available at the library by which students can look for and find the books that are not currently available at the university.

The university has provided a strong base for sports activities of the students. There are different sections for table tennis, shooting, football and gymnastics. There are also several professional trainers at all of these clubs which are ready to help students and provide them with appropriate training for a healthy lifestyle.

The youth and student club of the university is responsible for organizing several events at the university annually. Festivals, competitions and visits are among the events that this organization plans every year.

In 2021, the university is building a dormitory complex for its students in the city of Sumqayit. This building is nearly done and pretty soon, students will be able to use it. Right now, students can rent apartments or other types of hostels themselves at the city of Sumqayit.

Admissions and application requirements

1. Application form;

2. Original and copy of the international passport (validity period of the passport must be at least 3 months from the date of expiration of the temporary residence permit);

3. Original and copy of the document granting the right of temporary stay or temporary residence in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic;

4. Medical certificates (general health, absence of AIDS, Hepatitis B, C viruses);

Note: Issued by the International Medical Center (Baku, Narimanov district, A.Molla Juma str. 11 “B”) or the Republican Diagnostic Center (Baku, Tbilisi Avenue 3166);

5. 2 photos of 3×4 size;

6. When foreign students are registered in an apartment for temporary residence, the owner’s application of consent, a copy of the owner’s ID card, a copy of the apartment registration document (all three documents must be notarized);

Note: on special cases, other documents may be required. Please check the faculty website for further information.

University Ranking

The university of Sumqayit has been reported as one of the better universities of Azerbaijan in the times higher education website. This university has been ranked the 13th best university of the country and the 6337th best university in the whole world by the uniRank website. The eduRank website has ranked this university the 23rd best university of Azerbaijan. The same website has given the 11288th place on the list of best universities in the world to Sumqayit state university.

Faculty of physics

This faculty is one of the oldest faculties of the university and has employed some of the best engineers of the country to teach its courses. The faculty consists of 4 departments and 2 laboratories.

Faculty of chemistry and biology

This faculty, like the faculty of physics, has hired some of the most knowledgeable teachers and professors of the country to teach its students. There are 77 academic staff hired by the faculty, 5 of which are PhD holders from top universities of the world. The faculty consists of 5 departments and 3 labs.

Faculty of engineering

This faculty was established in 1973, and thus, it is one of the oldest existing faculties of the university. It is also the biggest faculty of the Sumqayit state university. The faculty consists of 4 departments.

Why Sumqayit state university?

For people wanting a quiet, yet convenient life this university can be more than perfect. The university is located just miles away from the capital city of Azerbaijan in a much smaller city of Sumqayit. Students can experience the convenience of a small city at the same time with the hustle and bustle of a big city. The university itself is a pretty modern university which has gone through a renovation process and today, offers quite modern facilities to its students.

Payment Information

Preparation Time: 9 Months

License Duration: 4 Years


  • 1 Year Preparation Fee
  • University and Ministry of Education Registration Procedures
  • Meeting at The Airport
  • Settlement in Dormitories and Houses
  • Remove Phone Line
  • Session Application Service

Fees to Be Payed by The Student

Registration Consulting Fee: $750

Preparatory Education Fee: 2000$

Accommodation Type

  • Dormitory Type Accommodation
  • Home Type Accommodation

Accommodation Fee: $60-$200 per Person (monthly)

Session Fee: $150

Flight Ticket: Istanbul-Baku Flight Ticket 100$-150$ (one Way)

Undergraduate Sections

Chemical Engineering, Biology, Ecology, History, Biology Teaching, Chemistry Teaching, Mathematics Teaching, Mathematics, Energy Engineering, Automation of Computerized Processes, Information Technologies, International Trade and Logistics, Sociology, Political Science, English Language Teaching, Preschool Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Pdr (social Psychological Services in Education), Psychology, Physics Teaching, Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching: 1400$ (azerbaijani) 4 Years


Chemical Engineering, Biology and Biology Teaching, Ecology, History, Biology Teaching, Chemistry Teaching, Mathematics Teaching, Mathematics, Energy Engineering, Automation of Computerized Processes, Information Technologies, International Trade and Logistics, Sociology, Political Science, English Language Teaching, Preschool Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Pdr (social Psychological Services in Education), Psychology, World Economy, Information Technology and Systems Engineering, Process Automation Engineering, Thermal Power Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Physics Teaching

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